We are encouraging you to attend on each Shabbat Mevarchim or Shabbat Rosh Chodesh. We would like to be able to offer a "guaranteed minyan" on this Shabbat of every month.
In honor of Shabbat Mevarchim Rabbi Agar will lead a special class after davening with Oneg to follow.
Torah Tuesdays - Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM - Weekly Parsha Class
Come learn about the weekly Torah portions.
Thursdays of Thought - Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00 PM - Jewish Law
Come learn about topics of Jewish Law such as prayer and upcoming holidays.
Classes are led via Zoom. If interested please call to be added to the invite list.
We have restocked our Gift Shop with new items,
We are stocked with Shabbos candles, Havdalah candles, Yahrzeit Candles and foil candle drippers.
We have new menorahs, Kiddush cups, candlesticks, mezuzahs and scrolls.
Visit our beautiful gift shop for your holiday & gift needs
Contact the synagogue office to make your appointment to shop!
Tu B'Shvat Seder - Friday, 2/14/2025
Evening Service and Kabbalistic Seder
Purim at Beth Jacob - Thursday 3/13/2025 7:30 PM Evening Services/ 8:30 PM Megillah Reading
Join us for our "Into the Sea" themed Purim Party
Jewish Women Insipring Jewish Women - Sunday 5/4/2025 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Join us for our 5th Annual Jewish Women Inspiring Jewish Women Luncheon
Cost $22.00
Cemetery Mitzvah Project - Sunday 5/18/2025 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Join us as we clean the headstones of those who have no one around to care for them.
Haftarah/Service-- We are looking for individuals to chant the Haftarah on Shabbosim and/or lead service. If interested, please contact Rabbi Agar.
Things are always changing! Please keep us up to date with you correct information such as current address, phone, email, Hebrew names, etc.
Please contact the synagogue for a list of acceptable Kosher certifications that we use.
There are many ways to honor a birthday, anniversary, family Simcha, or to remember a loved one. You can:
Send a Donation Card
Purchase a Prayer Book
Purchase a Tree of Life Leaf
Purchase a Yahrzeit Plaque
Sponsor a Kiddush.
Contact the Synagogue office for more information.
Please notify the synagogue office if you or a loved one are ill and want to be placed on the prayer list.
Copyright © 2025 Beth Jacob Congregation - All Rights Reserved.